Elizabeth Guthrie, PhD, MPH, MIFPA, E-RYT 200, RYT 500, YACEP

Elizabeth Guthrie is a wellness practitioner with a PhD in Natural Medicine with a specialization in Naturopathic Psychology and a Master’s of Public Health in Functional Nutrition.

They are the best-selling author of The Trauma Informed Herbalist and hold multiple other certifications from conventional and traditional schools.

They helped create research for UAB’s Integrative Medicine clinic, teach practitioners online, and work as a wellness practitioner and yoga instructor in the unceded Mvskoke territory in Alabama

Elizabeth’s personal experiences led them to begin studying trauma and its effects on the body and mind. Now they help others to learn how natural wellness can be safely implemented as part of a trauma recovery journey.

One on one consultations

Get help with natural options.

Many people try supplements and herbs that they have read about online.

Sometimes you may get great results – other times they may not do any good. 

This is because everyone is different and needs different types of support.

Many people need lifestyle changes alongside supplementation. Energy healing and Reiki practices may also be warranted. 

Join Elizabeth’s wellness club membership and gain access to free classes and regular consultations!

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Dr. Elizabeth Guthrie



Nature Lover




Are you interested in one on one wellness sessions?

– Virtual 45 minute sessions with Dr. Elizabeth to create a personalized plan.
– Plant medicine recommendations to support physical and emotional well being.
– Using Herbal Somatics to create a sense of inner strength and to embrace embodiment practices.
– Access to virtual mindfulness meditations and gentle, accessible yoga classes.
– Creating incremental changes for sustainable results
– Discovering resilience and relief while reconnecting with your mind, body, AND spirit so that you can live your life the way YOU want!

Learn more